To sound more like a faculty ;) Yes! this is on Business Etiquette's and its nothing but formula’s that permit one to interact in a cultured style which would help the other person in taking you seriously, manners do weigh and play a very critical role. Etiquette’s also comprises about being comfortable around individuals and making them comfortable around you.
I suppose most of the key interactions lead off with a firm handshake, Aloha!
Handshakes are in person salutations that go with your words ‘Unknown’. Extend a firm handshake, lasting 3-5 seconds, upon saying a ‘Hello’ and then proceeding with the context. Be assertive enough in maintaining a good eye contact during your handshake, this in return describes your confidence, sincerity and involvement. If incase you tend to meet several people at one go, hold on to the eye contact with the person you are shaking hands with, until you are proceeding on to the next person.
Introductions in an enterprise is of prime importance
- Introduce yourself, you could even exchange your business cards here
- Introduce others
- Reacting to introductions (Prefix Mr., Ms, Mrs. to the full name)
- In case you are one of those who tend to forget names (Tag his/her name in your mind to something very prominent in him/her. I usually follow this, helps me though!
- Before an event, use your address book and for the forgetful ones practice using a pocket-size notepad to brush up your memory about the people you are likely to meet.
Mixing and Mingling in Business
Most of the impressions imprinted during the meet can make or break a key business agreement, whether or not business is discussed directly. Following are a few hints you may use to mix and mingle in business.
- Prepare well on the subject
- Arrive early, IST needs a refined definition here :)
- Eye contact and smile
- May use ice breakers to get the introvert’s get going
- Position yourself
- Work the crowd
- Ask the right set of questions keeping the context in mind
- Be Patient & an Excellent listener
Body Language
- Think! A person’s facial expressions, posture, and gestures send messages
- Sometimes the message is loud and clear; sometimes it is open for interpretation, your strong observation skills may come handy here.
- Make frequent eye contacts
- Smile - Very important – After all it’s free!
- Take notes
- Nod frequently
- Keep your hands out of your pocket
- Cross you arms
- Clear your throat repeatedly or dig your nose
- Bite your lips or nails
- Slouch
- Tap your feet
Appearance - Practice impeccable grooming
The way you dress is the exclusive most prominent nonverbal communication you make about yourself. Your dress conveys success, trustworthiness, intelligence and suitability. Lean towards the conservative side of style. Avoid loud colors and printed fabrics and make sure your clothes are nicely pressed.
Some useful tips
Clothing Tips for Men
- Conservative 2-piece dark suit, navy blue or medium to dark gray.
- Long sleeved blue or white shirt.
- Silk tie complimenting in color or style
- Black dress socks
- Dark polished shoes and matching belt (Refrain from wearing a brown belt with a black pair of shoes and vice versa)
Clothing Tips for Women
- Dark conservative suit, Formal shirt and a knee length skirt / Neat salwar kameez or a nice crisp formal saree.
- Avoid wearing a low cut top
- Nice polished shoes/sandals
- Limited conservative jewelry (Desist bracelets, earrings or large rings)
Communicating in a High-Tech World
By and large in two ways:
- Telephone
- Always return calls – Important again, speaks in volumes about you
- If you’re going to be out, have your answering system tell that you would get back
- When you initiate a call and get to the front office/secretary, introduce yourself and tell them the staple nature of your call
- Respond to the call with some enthusiasm/at least warmth, even if you ARE being disrupted, the person on the other end doesn’t know that!
- Personalize the conversation. Many people feel since they’re not face-to-face with a person, it is perfectly acceptable to be abrupt or rude.
- The subject line needs to be crisp and particular
- In the message you forward, delete the extraneous information which ever applicable
- When replying to a question, don’t send a bare message that only reads, “Yes.” It’s too blunt and confuses the reader
- Address and sign your e-mails. Although this is included in the To and From sections, remember that you’re communicating with a person, not a computer!
- DON’T TYPE IN ALL CAPS. IT’S TOO INTENSE, and you appear slothful
Basic Table Ways
- Get seated
- Use the napkin properly
- Use the menu card
- Mind your posture
- Excuse yourself incase you need to leave (I rarely see this happening)
Most Significant tips
The fork goes on the left. The spoon and knife go on the right.
Food items go on the left, so your bread plate is on your left. Drinks, including coffee cups, should be on the right.
When sitting at a banquet table, you may begin eating when two people to your left and right are served.
If you haven’t been served, but most of your table has, encourage others to start.
Reach only for items in front of you; ask for other items to be passed by a neighbor.
Offer to the left; pass to the right, although once things start being passed, go with the flow.
Possessing a whole lot of friends in the similar field, this post for sure is a boon to them ;). Hoping this helps and wishing all streaks of Good Luck!